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About Me

My name is Katie Hawkins and I am a Columbus, Ohio native, an organic farmer, mother of a wonderful toddler, and am well on my way to earning my DONA postpartum doula certification.  

I believe everyone deserves compassionate support during their time of change and growth.  Whether a baby is coming through birth or adoption, every family is unique, and I strive to learn how to help you best.  This transitional time is an opportunity for families to focus inward to grow resilient and strong.  It is my goal to take on the tasks that can distract from this work and to offer guidance and resources.  

About My Services
-Coping strategies for postpartum adjustment

-Newborn sleep information and family sleep solutions

-Breast/Chestfeeding, pumping, and bottle feeding assistance (Fed baby is best!  I have personal experience with breastfeeding, formula, donor milk, pumping, bottle feeding, and SNS)


-Sibling and pet care

-Nutritious snack and meal preparation

-Offering a safe space to process emotions and share your birth story

-Help finding a daily rhythm

-Light household organization (I'm happy to sweep, mop, and tidy but please don't ask me to clean all your windows, haha!)

-Infant care so parents can sleep and shower

-Nursery and changing station organization

-Running errands for groceries and supplies

-Support in transitioning back to work

-Referrals to other professionals as needed

-Recommendations for child-proofing

-Tips on self-care for parents

-Phone, email, and virtual support

-Is there a service you don't see listed that you are seeking?  Don't hesitate to ask! 





Get in Touch
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